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San Diego downtown real estate broker

Bob Schwartz, CRS, GRI 

Certified Residential Specialist



San Diego, California 92101

Telephone - Cell:
(619) 300-8819

(619) 229-0048

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Real Estate: School of Thought

Everyone gives the impression to be after real estate investments since it is regarded as one of the safest high return investments. There are various schools of thought on real estate investments. Let’s explore two of the most common real estate schools of thought.

One real estate school of thought talks about doing a lot of analysis. This real estate school of thought encourages studying a lot of factors which are generally linked to economic indicators. This real estate school of thought evaluates the economic indicators in many different ways. It takes its cues from a number of financial indices and how they are expected to perform in the near future. This real estate school of thought measures various socio-economic indicators at all levels – Global, national and local. This real estate school of thought evaluates inflation and things like value of money today and value of money next year etc. It uses all these evaluations in order to come up with predictions on how real estate industry is expected to fare in the next few years. So, this real estate school of thought tries to determine the buying power of people in order to determine the course of real estate prices. When it comes to evaluating the real estate trend with regards to a particular place (i.e. locally), this real estate school of thought takes into account various local factors like the unemployment rate, the industrial development in the region, the change in tax policies and any events that might affect the real estate prices in the area. It also takes into consideration the surrounding areas and the real estate trend in those areas. So, this real estate school of thought is really followed by arch real estate consultants/investors who know a lot about finance and put all that knowledge to use in determining the tendencies for real estate industry. However, that is just one real estate school of thought

The other real estate school of thought doesn’t consider those factors at all. According to this real estate school of thought, real estate is always lucrative at all times and at all places. This real estate school of thought advocates looking for great deals. It’s this real estate school of thought that asks you to go to public auctions, look for distress sales and foreclosures, find motivated seller, rehab and sell, etc. So, this real estate school of thought focuses on getting the information about the best deals in town and taking advantage of them to make good profits.

So, those are the two real estate schools of thought and following either or both calls for time and effort (if you are to make any profits out of real estate investments).



Bob Schwartz, is a Certified Residential Specialist, CA licensed real estate broker with Bob has over 27 years of residential real estate experience, authored a number of published articles and served as an expert witness for San Diego lawyers. You can contact Bob via e-mail at or visit his highly popular San Diego real estate website at:
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