The Job of Real Estate Bird Dogs
Investment is the number one word for real estate. However, those
who are included in the investment will make a large difference in
what is accessible to you. Whether you are working towards finding
real estate property for profit or for your first home, knowing
where the resources are and what they do can help you find the best
One essential person that is part of the real estate investment plan
is the real estate bird dog. The main job of a real estate bird dog
is to find property for those who want to invest in real estate
property. After they find a property, the investor will then pay
them a service fee. The real estate bird dog will have no attachment
to the property after it is found and given to the investor, leaving
the rest of the changes up to the real estate investor. If one is
going to invest in a property, they will expect the real estate bird
dog to find them leads that are valuable and can be sold at a good
There are various ways in which a real estate bird dog can find a
home and bring it to an investor. Most bird dogs will find property
that is being sold by the owner. When this is brought to the
investor, they will pay a certain amount to the bird dog. If someone
is trying to have their payments taken over because of foreclosure,
this can also are brought to a real estate company. Those who have
had circumstances take over the owning of their property can be
recommended to the investor. For example, a second mortgage that
can't be paid, a death by the owner of the home, a loss of a job and
other family or career related issues can be leads for a real estate
bird dog. From here, the real estate company can try to sell the
home. If they do, then the real estate bird dog will receive a
commission for the find.
Realizing the process of real estate, and using the different
resources can help you to find the best deals and make the best
deals. If you aren't sure where to start, using a real estate bird
dog is a good way to sniff out what is available to you. This will
give you the ability to claim or give away a piece of property on
the market.
Bob Schwartz, is a Certified Residential
Specialist, CA licensed real estate broker with Bob
has over 27 years of residential real estate experience, authored a
number of published articles and served as an expert witness for
San Diego lawyers. You can contact
Bob via e-mail at or visit his highly popular
San Diego real estate website at:
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